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Dehghani at the end of the 17th Iran Open RoboCup: the best in the field of robotics is supported

The 17th Iran Open RoboCup tournament ended with the presence of the vice president for science, technology and knowledge-based economy, the president of the Islamic Azad University and the introduction of the top teams.

At the closing ceremony of the 17th Iran Open RoboCup, held at Azad University's research science department, Ruhollah Dehghani, the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, said: The people who participated in such competitions are young people who want to know their future.

Stating that these young people are supposed to form companies, the head of the National Elites Foundation continued: We are proud to have support for the first to third winners of the leagues to participate in the world championships.

Referring to the diversity in the type of support, he said: We intend to allocate a special point for the winners of the 17th Iran Open RoboCup World Championship and future makers in the National Elites Foundation.

Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy: also, we will support them since these future makers are supposed to form start-up companies.

Referring to the efforts of Islamic Azad University in the development of elite and capable human resources, Dehghani said: Considering the knowledge that I have of this university through 3 years of working in Islamic Azad University as Vice President of Research and Technology, this university moves towards Cultivating efficient, creative and problem-solving forces.

He considered Azad University's move towards cultivating an efficient and creative problem-solving force as a very serious move and said that he hopes the student club will continue its path with serious determination. We are ready for the first to third teams to participate in the world championships do the necessary

Referring to the adoption of the necessary measures to support the top robotics talents, Dehghani said: We have also considered the necessary mechanisms in the National Elites Foundation to support the talents and future makers who form knowledge-based companies.

Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy

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